Daily Expectations
- Attendance Expectations
- Cell Phone and/or Electronic Device Expectations
- Community Expectations
- Transition Center Expectations
- YMCA Expectations
- Procedures for Removal from Class or Community-Based Instruction
- Sign-In and Sign-Out Procedures for Visitors
Attendance Expectations
Young adults are expected to be on time for school unless they are excused. Below are the consequences for being tardy.
- First time results in the issuance of a verbal warning.
- Second time results in the issuance of another verbal warning.
- Third time results in the notification of a parent/guardian.
- Repeated incidents (i.e., four or more) will result in the loss of access to/participation in community-based instruction. In these cases, we will arrange for alternative activities within the Transition Center.
Ongoing tardiness may result in the scheduling of a meeting with the young adult, their parents/guardians and our staff.
Cell Phone and/or Electronic Device Expectations
Use of cell phones/electronic devices at the Transition Center, at community-based learning sites or during community-based outings is limited to lunch/breaks unless directed by a staff member. Students will be expected to handle their own cell phone/electronic device and not touch other people's phones or devices. In addition, students are not allowed to take photos or record video without consent.
Below are the consequences for violating these expectations.
- The staff will issued up to two verbal warnings to put the phone/device away.
- If a young adult has to be told a third time, they will be asked to place their phone/device in a safe location for the remainder of the class. If they choose not to turn their phone or device in, their parent/guardian will be notified and they will be expected to check their phone at the door the following day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Ongoing issues involving the phone or device may result in the scheduling of a meeting with the young adult, their parents/guardians and our staff to determine if an individual plan regarding use needs to be developed.
Any chronic or severe behavior may result in a team meeting and the involvement of the dean’s office from Hinsdale South. The severity of a single incident may warrant an immediate or alternative consequence.
Community Expectations
When our young adults are participating in events or activities in the community (e.g., community-based learning sites, Friday outings, restaurants, YMCA, grocery store, etc.), they are expected to:
- Follow directives from all staff members.
- Participate as outlined in directives.
- Use appropriate language.
- Stay with their assigned group.
- Follow the cell phone policy.
- Be respectful to themselves and others.
Below are the consequences for violating these expectations.
- The staff will issued up to two verbal warnings.
- If the young adult needs to be reminded about the expectations a third time, they will be removed from the activity and, if possible, brought back to the Transition Center. Their parents/guardians will also be notified.
Repeated incidents (i.e., three or more) will result in the temporary loss of access/participation in community-based instruction. In these situations, we will arrange for alternative activities at the Transition Center.
If there is a continued pattern of unacceptable behavior, a meeting with the young adult, their parents/guardians and our staff will be scheduled. Any chronic or severe behavior may result in a team meeting and the involvement of the dean’s office from Hinsdale South. The severity of a single incident may warrant an immediate or alternative consequence.
Transition Center Expectations
When our young adults are at the Transition Center, they are expected to:
- Be compliant/participate as directed.
- Use appropriate language.
- Listen to staff directives.
- Stay in class.
- Follow the cell phone policy
- Treat others with respect.
- Be on time for class.
Below are the consequences for violating these expectations.
- The staff will issued up to two verbal warnings.
- If the young adult needs to be reminded about the expectations a third time, they will be removed from class and their parents/guardians will be notified.
If there is a continued pattern of unacceptable behavior, a meeting with the young adult, their parents/guardians and our staff will be scheduled. Any chronic or severe behavior may result in a team meeting and the involvement of the dean’s office from Hinsdale South. The severity of a single incident may warrant an immediate or alternative consequence.
YMCA Expectations
While at the YMCA, our young adults will engage in moderate/vigorous exercise for 40 minutes. They may switch to another activity after demonstrating their ability to use the fitness/strength machines for 20 minutes.
Proper footwear and appropriate exercise clothing are required. Young adults who fail to wear the proper footwear (i.e., supportive, athletic gym shoes) will be prohibited from participating. In these cases, they will engage in an alternate activity.
Young adults who fail to wear the proper clothing (i.e., exercise clothing, gym uniform), but have on the proper footwear, will participate in modified physical activity such as walking around the track.
All young adults will shower and change back into appropriate work clothing after they are done exercising.
Cell phones may be used as a music source during physical activity at the YMCA. If cell phone use is disruptive or deemed unsafe, the Transition Center cell phone expectations will be enforced.
Procedures for Removal from Class or Community-Based Instruction
If a young adult must be removed from class or community-based instruction, the following will occur.
- No cell phone/electronic device will be permitted.
- Cell phones/electronic devices will be removed until the next class/activity.
- The young adult will complete class work or be provided with an alternate assignment to finish independently (will receive assistance as needed).
- Staff members will communicate (i.e. set a timer, refer to the clock) to the young adult how long they will be removed from the typical scheduled activity (i.e. until the next class/activity).
Any chronic or severe behavior may result in a team meeting and the involvement of the dean’s office from Hinsdale South.